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Moon Poems Are All Set at Night
Henry Stimpson

I think as I stare through my car window
at this gibbous ghost
in the pale blue.

as a communion wafer,
she’s not a beacon,

casts no shadows
does not inspire heart pangs
floating unsung

among afternoon cirrus
with her mournful eye shadows
and bruised face.

Henry Stimpson’s poems have appeared in
Poet Lore, Delmarva Review, Lighten Up Online, Rolling Stone, Muddy River Poetry Review, Mad River Review, Aethlon, The MacGuffin, The Aurorean, Common Ground Review, Asses of Parnassus, Bluepepper, The Boston Phoenix, Boston University Today, Snakeskinpoetry, Atlanta Review, California Quarterly, and On the Seawall. He also writes essays, articles, lives in Massachusetts, and hopes to see a Boston Celtics championship soon.

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