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White Pine
Mary Mercier

Its needles fired
in the kiln of rising temperatures
know more than I do
about the earth to come. I mourn

its rust and faded crown—
even more, my neighbor’s need
to cut it down
though I understand

its falling weight (just inches
from the house) is far too much to carry
through the night.

Would that I
could catch its embers,
mix the ash with seeds—replant,
repair, repent.

Mary Mercier is a poet inspired by the bite of old glaciers. Her chapbook
Small Acts was published by Parallel Press and her poems have appeared in Northern Woodlands, Mezzo Cammin, Stoneboat, and other journals. A finalist for the Birdy Poetry Prize, her collection Five Reports of Fugitive Dust has just been published by Meadowlark Press.

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