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Raining Squirrels
(the music of good intentions)
Jack Brown

When feeding squirrels
it is helpful to employ a sound.
A signal to the bushy tailed
nut fanciers that you are present.
Your pockets full and
your intentions honorable.
Squirrels are alert
to the music of good intentions.
Like starting the day with a poem.
They scramble from nests
and tree hollows. Dance along
limbs and scurry down
shaggy bark trunks.
See what you started?
A cloudburst from the leaves.
Here they come.
It’s raining squirrels.

Jack Brown lives and works in New York City. Poetry published in
Adelaide, Aberration Labyrinth, The Village Sun, Hellcoal Annual, and Poets Reading the News. He is a songwriter.

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