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Over There
Barbara Kinsey Sable

I chose the soft pillow tonight
sinking into feathers covered
by sweet smelling cases,
placed on a firm mattress.

There are no pillows over there.
There are no mattresses over there,
with little sleep for the hungry.
The lucky may have a blanket,
or even some covering for a roof, over there.

I cannot send my pillow over there.
My mattress stays with me.
I send money over there,
and wonder when drought—
no water or food—
will leave us with only blankets
over here.

Barbara Kinsey Sable is a retired university professor of music. She has published extensively in the field of music, including a book put out by Prentice-Hall, numerous articles (printed here and abroad), and reviews of recordings. She has written and directed television shows. Her poetry has been published in periodicals including
The White Rock and Third Wednesday.

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