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Last 9 Text Messages Received
Craig Cotter


what’s up

09:23PM Sun, Jan 10
From : Ben


This is my first message
with my new phone. How
was your weekend,

11:12PM Sun, Jan 10
From : Arthea Cell


I hope you got my
message….I think unless
you really need me in
today, im going to rest my
back so i don’t hurt it

11:08AM Mon, Jan 11
From : Danielle Home


I am standing at the
place where Lennon was
murdered. I will say a
prayer of thanks and
hope for all of us who

04:13PM Tue, Jan 12
From : Bernie


Sorry to bother you
earlier. Are you excited
about your guitar lesson?

05:31PM Tue, Jan 12
From : Arthea Cell


Hey did you get
homemade Jelly for the

09:27PM Tue, Jan 12
From : Julio


Call me

10:36PM Tue, Jan 12
From : Ben



10:36PM Tue, Jan 12
From : Ben



10:37PM Tue, Jan 12
From : Ben


Craig Cotter was born in 1960 in New York and has lived in Los Angeles since 1986. His poems have appeared in hundreds of journals in the U.S. France, Italy, Czech Republic, U.K., Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Canada, India, and Ireland. His fourth book of poems is
After Lunch with Frank O’Hara.

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