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Be Like the Sun
Jack Brown

How do you know
when a plant loves you?

When the cat is jealous.

Sunlight bathes their
chlorophyll hearts in green glory.
The yellow God casts a heavenly spell
a scintillating aura
refulgent over fur and feline marrow.

We all get our share.

But when your attention
is too much with the cacti,
hummingbird friendly ajuga,
a transcendent daffodil,
or a lavender sprung spider plant,
the cat intercedes to distract
redirect your heart.

A cat knows the plant is sentient.
Knows when your heart
wanders from theirs.

Be like the sun.
Impartial. Warm.

Jack Brown lives and works in New York City. Poetry published in
Adelaide, Aberration Labyrinth, The Village Sun, Hellcoal Annual, and Poets Reading the News. He is a songwriter.

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